
Game Rules

Game Goal

In Co.Co. Game, players collaborate to achieve goals related to conscious consumption, trying to use the fewest resources (COINS and ENERGY) to complete assigned goals.

Game Components

Character Cards:
At the start of the game, each player has a character card representing a friend or helper with special characteristics and abilities. These abilities influence the value of resources needed to complete goals. The character card can be used only once during the game.

Resource Cards:  
Resource cards represent various types of resources players can use during the game and are divided into the following categories:

  • Clothing
  • Food
  • Furniture
  • Energy

Goal Cards:
Goal cards define the objectives players must complete, involving choices to reduce resource usage.

Score Sheet
A sheet to record the player’s score.

Game Setup

Before starting the game:

  • Provide each player with a score sheet.
  • Divide the cards into 3 decks based on type (Character with Grey back, Resource with Blue back, and Goal with Light blue back).
    Shuffle the decks separately.
  • Each player, starting with the youngest and proceeding clockwise, takes:
    1 card from the Character deck
    1 card from the Goal deck
    3 cards from the Resource deck

After each player has their cards:

  • Remove the Character card deck from the table (possibly place it in the game box).
  • Shuffle together the Resource and Goal cards and place the new deck face down in the center of the table.
  • Start playing.

How to Play

Each turn, the player must draw a card from the deck. The game ends when the deck is exhausted.

Note: Players cannot have more than 7 cards in hand; otherwise, they must discard one. Discarded cards are placed at the end of the deck.

After drawing a card, the player must perform one (and only one!) of the following actions:

  • Discard a card: Place it at the end of the deck.
  • Exchange a card with another player: Exchange a card to help each other complete goals.
  • Play resource cards to complete a goal: Use the COINS and ENERGY values of resource cards to match the COINS and ENERGY values on the goal card.
    When you complete a goal, place the goal card, related resource cards, and, if used, the character card face up on the table.
  • Play character cards: Use the characters’ special abilities to influence the game.

AR Contents

During the turn, you can always access the Augmented Reality contents of the Resource cards using the app. This feature allows you to learn more about the topics of the cards and get bonuses on their value. The COINS and ENERGY values in the AR view will be higher than those printed on the cards. Use these new values in the score calculation.


Players collaborate by discussing strategies to complete goals with the least possible impact.

NOTE: To complete a goal, you can only use resource cards of the same category.

End of the Game

The game ends when the deck is exhausted, but players can complete their turns to make the best use of the remaining cards. At the end of the game, players calculate the total score based on the points obtained from Character cards and completed Goals, subtracting the value of used Resource cards. A higher score represents more conscious consumption.


The scoring system rewards players who complete missions with minimal consumption of resources (COINS and ENERGY) and promotes conscious consumption.

  • Goal Scoring: Each goal has an initial COINS and ENERGY value representing its difficulty and a reward in POINTS. Players earn points by completing goals, aiming to use fewer resources since all used resources will be subtracted from the final score.
  • Resource Scoring: Resource cards have a value in COINS and ENERGY representing the resources used to achieve a goal. These values are subtracted from the total POINTS.
  • Character Scoring: Each character card has a value in POINTS added to the total POINTS when the card is used to complete a goal.

Character Cards: At the start of the game, each player has a character card representing a friend or helper with special characteristics and abilities. These abilities influence the value of resources needed to complete goals. The character card can be used only once during the game.


The Goal card requires 7 COINS and 4 ENERGY and gives 35 POINTS.

  • You reduce the MONEY cost by using a Character Card 
  • You use 2 Resource cards with the following values :
    • 1st card: 2 COINS and 3 ENERGY
    • 2nd card: 2 COINS and 3 ENERGY 

Final score calculation:

  • Goal = 35 points
  • Character = 20 points
  • Resources used = 5 COINS and 5 ENERGY
    35 + 20 Points – (5 COINS + 5 ENERGY)
  • Total score = 55 – 10 = 45

NOTE: If you used the AR function to change the value of your cards, the final score must be calculated using the new value from the app.


Co.Co. Game is a collaborative game that aims to involve players in a common process to achieve goals with minimal waste. However, it is possible to elect, within the team, the Most Conscious Consumer, the one who achieved the highest score among all. It is also possible to organize game sessions in multiple teams at different tables; in this case, the table with the highest score, resulting from the sum of the individual players’ scores, can be declared the winner.

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Point your camera at the resource cards to get better values ​​and find out more about the topic

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