Circular Sustainability

Kiertotalouskäsikirja tarjoaa konkreettista apua ja työkaluja kaikille suomalaisyrityksille.

Kiertotalouteen siirtyminen on ajankohtaisempaa kuin koskaan. Suomella on hyvät lähtökohdat pysyä kehityksen kärjessä, mutta se (…)

Mitä on kiertotalous ja miksi sen ymmärtäminen on tärkeää?

Pelkkä kierrätys ei enää riitä, jos tuotannon ja kulutuksen halutaan pysyvän maapallon kantokyvyn rajoissa. Uutta (…)

Kiertotalous on talousmalli, joka auttaa hillitsemään aikamme suurimpia globaaleja ongelmia.

Kiertotalousratkaisuilla voidaan luoda työpaikkoja ja avata uusia liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia.
Este video explora cómo la economía circular redefine la producción y el consumo para reducir (…)

La economía circular promete un futuro sostenible al maximizar el uso de recursos naturales, reducir (…)

Se trata de conciliar el desarrollo económico con la protección del equilibrio social y el (…)

La economía circular es clave en la transformación hacia la sostenibilidad en España, implicando la (…)

Es un nuevo modelo de producción y consumo que garantiza un crecimiento sostenible en el (…)

Nearly 60 percent of consumers in Poland in 2019 were of the opinion that brands (…)

Le tre R dell’economia circolare

To achieve a true circular economy a radical system change is essential. This also means (…)

Eine entschlossene Strategie für die Kreislaufwirtschaft erfordert ein umfangreiches .Das „Modell Deutschland Circular Economy“ zeigt (…)

· Die Kreislaufwirtschaft ist ein Modell der Produktion und des Verbrauchs, bei dem bestehende Materialien (…)

Have you wondered how people in the Nordics view the circular economy? What actions are (…)

Test yourself and find out whether you are athreat or an opportunity. Is your lifestyle (…)

The European participatory community for students, teachers and education stakeholders to act collectively on innovative (…)

As commitment in support of this effort, experts in climate science, education, and game design (…)

According to IPCC reports the impact of human activity in the world is unequivocal. Climate (…)

Europe is on its way to a cross-border circular economy. The European Union and its (…)

Individuals are warmly welcomed to propose their collaborative ideas for mutual growth among friends and (…)

With significant efforts made to consider water reuse in cities, a robust and replicable framework (…)

The EJAtlas is a work in progress. Newly documented cases and information are continuously added (…)

To help train and educate the new generation of bioeconomy professionals with the necessary hard (…)

Circular economy opens up new kinds of opportunities to business and consumption – wellbeing without (…)

Circular economy opens up new kinds of opportunities to business and consumption – wellbeing without (…)

To help train and educate the new generation of bioeconomy professionals with the necessary hard (…)

The condition of a development capable of ensuring the satisfaction of the needs of the (…)

In line with the goal of achieving EU climate neutrality by 2050 included in the (…)

The principles of a closed-loop economy concern each of us because they are related to (…)

Welcome to our Erasmus plus project page on the topic ” Sustainability through cross-border circular (…)